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HealthSource RI Dental Coverage

Do you want dental care as well as health insurance coverage? You can buy coverage for yourself or your entire family though HealthSource RI.

All plans include free preventive and diagnostic care, like cleanings, X-rays and exams. If you want dental coverage for your children under 18, be aware that many of the health insurance plans on HealthSource RI already include pediatric dental coverage.

How to Enroll

You enroll in dental coverage the same way you enroll in health insurance coverage. Sign up during HealthSource RI’s Open Enrollment period or get a dental plan when you’re buying coverage because you’ve experienced a life changing event. To enroll:


2024 Dental Plans and Benefits for Individuals and Families

HealthSource RI connects you with health and dental insurance from these companies:

Individuals & Families: 1-855-840-4774
Employers & Employees: 1-855-683-6757