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Our Team

Lindsay Lang


John Cucco

Chief of Staff

Ben Gagliardi

General Counsel

Matt Goupil

Chief Operating Officer

Katie Hall

Director of Policy & Applied Research

Christina O’Reilly

Communications Director

Allison Shippee

Chief Financial Officer

Administrative Offices

One Capitol Hill, 3rd Floor, Providence, RI  02908 | 401-574-8211

Advisory Board

HealthSource RI’s advisory board is appointed by the Director of the Department of Administration. Members are appointed to reflect a range and diversity of skills, backgrounds and stakeholder perspectives.



Melissa Studzinski

Board Chair – Merryfield, PBC

Caleb Borchers

The Feast Church

Linda Katz

Economic Progress Institute (Retired)

Mark Kolligian

CVS (Retired)

Jamie Moran

Provider Group

Jai-Me Potter-Rutledge

Brown University School of Public Health

Jackie Williams

Open Door Health

Don Wineberg

Chace, Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP

William Wray

Washington Trust Company

HealthSource RI connects you with health and dental insurance from these companies:

Individuals & Families: 1-855-840-4774
Employers & Employees: 1-855-683-6757