Proof of Identity
First and Last Name
- Birth Certificate (NOT Hospital Record)
- S. Passport
- Naturalization Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License
- State Issued Photo ID
- School Photo ID
- Permanent Resident Card
- Employment authorization card
Age/Date of Birth
- Birth certificate
- S. Passport
- Naturalization Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License
- State Issued Photo ID
- Social Security Records
- Baptismal Certificate
- Voter Registration Card
- Confirmation Papers
- Marriage License
- State/Federal Census Record
- Life Insurance Policy
- Immigration Papers
- School Records
- Military Service Records
- Physician Records
- Hospital Birth Records
- RSDI Award Letter if DOB of child is included
- Adoption Records
- Affidavit of a Third Party
HealthSource RI connects you with health and dental insurance from these companies: