Proof of American Indian or Alaskan Native Status
Use these documents to prove your status as an American Indian or Alaskan Native:
- Tribal Enrollment/Membership Card.
- Authentic document from a tribe declaring membership for an individual.
- I-872 American Indian Card.
- U.S. American Indian/Alaska Native tribal enrollment or shareholder documentation.
- Enrollment or membership document from a federally-recognized tribe or the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It must be on tribal letterhead or an enrollment/membership card that contains the tribal seal and/or an official signature.
- Document issued by an Alaska Native village/tribe, or an Alaska Native Corporation Settlement Act (ANCSA) regional or village corporation acknowledging shareholder status.
- Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) issued by the Board of Indian Affairs or a tribe, if the CDIB includes tribal enrollment information.
- Letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) granting a tribal exemption based on tribal membership or Alaska Native shareholder status.
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