Proposed Amendment to the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to HealthSource RI
The Health Benefits Exchange (“Exchange”) is proposing to amend the Rules and Regulations Pertaining to HealthSource RI, which establish the eligibility requirements for enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan, premium tax credits and cost sharing reductions, operation of a SHOP Exchange, and establishment of a trust to facilitate the collection and payment of premiums to qualified health plan issuers, among other requirements. The proposed amendment to this regulation is in support of implementing the recent statutory revisions to R.I. Gen. Laws c. 42157 and 4430 under Article 11 of H5151, titled “Relating to Healthcare Market Stability” (“Article 11”).
To view the proposed amended rule or learn how to submit a comment, please click here.
HealthSource RI connects you with health and dental insurance from these companies: