How to submit documents
HealthSource RI compares the information you enter on your application with various external data sources in order to verify the information. In some cases, the system cannot complete the verification without additional information or supporting documentation. If this occurs, you will be sent a notice explaining what information is needed and when it is due. If we do not receive the requested information by the due date, you and others in your household could lose your coverage or financial assistance.
Please call us at 1-855-840-4774 if you have any questions or concerns about your ability to give us the documents we need to verify your information.
Click here to see the ways you can submit documents to HealthSource RI
The links below provide examples of documents you can submit to support your application.
How to Submit Documentation:
- In Person: Submit your documents using the secure drop box located at 401 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915
- Online: Go to your User Account on and upload the documents
- Fax: 401-223-6317
- Mail: State of Rhode Island
- P.O. Box 8709
- Cranston, RI 02920-8787
HealthSource RI connects you with health and dental insurance from these companies: